Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Quarter 4, Week 1 - Analytical Listening

 Our topic was about Analytical Listening, analytical Listening is about the ability and the capacity to properly analyze what is being said. This not only means understanding what the other person is saying and what they mean to say, but also being able to divide difficult questions into separate parts to get to the core. Analytical listening is all about feeling and meaningSound gives us meaning and perspective in our lives. For example, someone talking to you can say hello. On the surface it seems friendly, but the way they say hello to you can convey a lot of different meanings. There are Four Types of Analytical Listening. First is Appreciative Listening, it's all about listening for pleasure and enjoyment, as when we listen to music, to a comedy routine, or to an entertaining speech; it also describes how well speakers choose and use words, use humor, ask questions, tell stories, and argue persuasively. The Second is Emphatic Listening, it describe the emotional support for the speaker, as when a psychiatrist listens to a patient or when we lend a sympathetic ear to a friend; focuses on understanding and identifying with a person’s situation, feelings, or motives -there is an attempt to understand what the other person is feeling-listener does not necessarily agree or feel the same way with the speaker. The Third is Comprehensive/ Active Listening, it's all about listening to understand the message of a speaker, as when we attend a classroom lecture or listen to directions for finding a friend’s house. Lastly the Critical/ Analytical Listening, it explain the message for purposes of accepting or rejecting it, as when we listen to the sales pitch of a used-car dealer or the campaign speech of a political candidate and focuses on evaluating whether a message is logical and reasonable. 

The activities are easy and you can do it right away. I learned that Analytical Listening is about the ability and the capacity to properly analyse what is being said. The benefits of the Analytical Listening is to help us easier to reconstruct a situation and find a solution rationally. And for me I really enjoy studying this topic and I understand easily. Also Analytical Listening is a method of hearing an audio composition in which the meaning of the sound is analyzed. There's none I find it difficult, the highlight of the blog is to understand truly the meaning of Analytical Listening.
Performance Task In English by angela cano


I draw this because when I encounter troubles, my family and friends are the only ones who are there for me. They are also willing to listen and help me with my issues. They also advice me on what I should and should not do. They will always be there, no matter what happens. My friends and family also support me to pursue my goals and dreams.

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Quarter 4, Week 6 - Taking A Stand

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